What am I paying for when I sponsor a water project?

100% of your money goes to water project costs on the ground. Private donors cover the salaries of our staff so your money can go directly to materials, local staff costs, in-country program support, and mobilization.

If you’re ever wondering how your funds are used on a micro level – here’s a breakdown:

  • Personnel: Program management, engineers, technicians, hydrogeologists, drillers, welders, drivers, community trainers, and hygiene specialists.
  • Local Program Support: Accountants, grant managers, facilities and office admin, computers, phones, space rental, maintenance, utilities, and insurance.
  • Materials: Cement, pipes, pumps, solar panels, construction supplies, spare parts, training manuals, digital cameras, and GPS devices.
  • Mobilization: Vehicle rental, vehicle repairs, fuel, meals, and lodging.
  • Sustainability: Needs assessments, the establishment of water point management groups, technical training, and routine monitoring.

If your sponsored water project is at a school, a portion of your money may be used to build latrines in addition to the water project. Latrines are crucial to reducing water-related diseases, especially at schools or health clinics where populations are denser.

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