I made a general donation to clean water. Do I get reporting for this?

When you give to charity: water, we promise that 100% of your donation will go toward funding water projects in the field. That promise applies whether you give by mail or make a donation on charitywater.org. We also commit to publish photos and GPS of every single project on Google Maps.
Your general donation to clean water becomes part of our General Water Fund, which is spent around the world on projects where it’s most needed, in any of the 22 countries in which we work. With the General Water Fund, we closely track spending, but we don’t tag individual donors' dollars to projects. Even though you won't receive a specific project report, you can be confident that your money will help bring clean water to people in need and that 100% of your gift will be deployed to the field.
If you’re interested in receiving reporting for a specific project, we encourage you to sponsor a project
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