Why does charity: water also fund hygiene education and latrines?

Access to clean water is just the first step. Safe water alone can reduce the chance of diarrheal disease by 21%. But hygiene practices, like simple hand washing, can drive disease rates down nearly 35%.

Health is one thing, dignity is another. Girls in developing countries are likely to drop out of school as soon as they hit puberty (i.e., when they start menstruating). We've seen that when latrines are built at schools, attendance increases, especially among girls.

Watch our story about latrines bringing girls back to school.

The overall health of a community can depend quite heavily on latrines. People living in areas where their neighbors defecate in public face a high risk of contracting and spreading waterborne illnesses. And while diarrhea may not seem all that dangerous to us, it's deadly in developing countries, especially for kids under the age of five.

Learn more about how water with sanitation and hygiene can have an impact.

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