How long will projects I fund last?

Our work must be sustainable to really make a difference in the water crisis.

When a charity: water project is finished, the community that received it shouldn’t need help from us – or any other external agency – ever again. That’s why we invest in a maintenance model in each area we work. This can mean appointing and training a water committee, partnering with the local government for repair options or setting the community up to pay local mechanics for any needed repairs.

We don’t put a timeline on how long a project will last because we believe the community and the local support structure – the local government, the private sector and community committees – should gain the skills and resources to ensure their water and sanitation facilities are maintained, repaired, and eventually replaced.

We've piloted a brand new technology with help from our friends at Google to measure water flow in live time and to ensure we know with confidence that every charity: water project is working. Sustainability remains a top priority, and charity: water has been an industry leader. We invite you to learn more about our sensor program and commitment to sustainability!

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