We love our international supporters! If you're based in the U.K., click here.
We're currently a registered nonprofit in the United States and the United Kingdom, and an ANBI in the Netherlands. At this point in time, we can only accept donations on our website, charitywater.org, in GBP and USD. All donations made online will automatically be converted to USD (outside of those zones).
That being said, you can give a donation in most major currencies on our Facebook page here and 100% will go to clean and safe drinking water.
Right now, we don't accept foreign checks; however, international banks can make checks out in USD if you ask. For USD money orders, please collect donations in your currency, then mail a USD money order to:
charity: water
230 Franklin Rd., Ste. 11-II, Franklin, TN 37064
All checks and money orders should be made payable to charity: water.